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Interpersonal Neurobiology – Integrating the Brain and Relational Self with Lynn Redenbach and Greg Czyszczon

Interpersonal Neurobiology – Integrating the Brain and Relational Self with Lynn Redenbach and Greg Czyszczon


About this Episode:

Raissa talks with Lynn Redenbach and Creg Czyszczon about the field of Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB) and the professional organization promoting IPNB practice and research, the Global Association for Interpersonal Neurobiology Studies (GAINS).  They discuss the definition of IPNB, the nine domains of integration, and principles inherent in IPNB approaches across clinical, educational, and organizational settings.


About Lynn and Greg:

Dr. Greg Czyszczon has over 25 years of experience working with youth in various settings. He is an Assistant Professor of Counseling at Eastern Mennonite University in Harrisonburg, VA. In addition to being a Licensed Professional Counselor, he holds a postgraduate professional teaching license with endorsements in Special Education, History, and School Counseling. As a psychotherapist Dr. Czyszczon is a Level III trainee in AEDP and specializes in working with the parent-child relationship throughout the lifespan. He has expertise in child-parent attachment in infancy and early childhood and has training in the Infant Strange Situation and the MacArthur Preschool system for assessing attachment relationships. Dr. Czyszczon supervises residents in counseling through the Harrisonburg Center for Relational Health and provides clinical supervision for therapists at the Secure Child In-Home Program, an attachment-focused, home-based intervention. He earned his M.Ed. in Special Education, M.A., Ed.S. in Community Counseling, and Ph.D. in Counseling and Supervision from James Madison University.

You can email Greg at

Lynn Redenbach has a private psychotherapy practice on Vancouver Island, British Columbia where she integrates IPNB into her work with individuals, couples, and families. She also is a Clinical Rehabilitation Manager at a non-profit organization that serves people with severe mental illness. Lynn is currently a PhD candidate in leadership and is doing research into IPNB-informed leaders experiences including how they integrate this framework into their practices and how it has impacted their identity and development. Lynn is the current President of the Global Association for Interpersonal Neurobiology Studies (GAINS).

You can email Lynn at

Links and References

Links & Resources:


APA Citation for this Episode:

Miller, R. (Producer). (2020, March 17). EP162: Interpersonal Neurobiology – Integrating the Brain and Relational Self with Lynn Redenbach and Greg Czyszczon [Audio Podcast]. The Thoughtful Counselor. Retrieved from


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Photo by JR Korpa on Unsplash

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