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Integrated Care (Part 1) – Foundations, Effectiveness, and Predictions for the Future with Russ Curtis

Integrated Care (Part 1) – Foundations, Effectiveness, and Predictions for the Future with Russ Curtis
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A conversation with Dr. Russ Curtis on the nuts and bolts of intergrated care for behavioral health professionals.



Russ Curtis, PhD, LPC is professor and coordinator of the clinical mental health counseling program at Western Carolina University. Prior to becoming a counselor educator, Dr. Curtis worked in a  mental health center where he collaborated with medical providers to ensure optimal care for clients with co-morbid mental and physical illnesses. Dr. Curtis’s co-edited textbook, Integrated Care: Applying Theory to Practice (Curtis & Christian, 2012) was selected by The Council on Social Work Education in collaboration with SAMHSA as one of two recommended text books for training behavioral health professionals. He has produced two commercial counseling instructional videos, one of which, Positive Psychotherapy: Helping People Thrive (Curtis & Goetz, 2013), was selected as an Editor’s Choice by Microtraining Incorporated. Dr. Curtis’s 80 public domain counseling instructional videos have garnered over 790,000 views in 139 countries.

Russ’s faculty page at WCU

Russ’s textbook (co-edited with Eric Christian) – Integrated Care: Applying Theory to Practice

Russ’s YouTube Channel


The APA citation for this episode:

Shook, M. (Producer). (2017, August 22). Integrated Care – Part 1: Foundations, Effectiveness, and Predictions for the Future with Russ Curtis [Audio Podcast]. The Thoughtful Counselor. Retrieved from

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