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Honest Talk About Racial Injustice: Amanda Giordano speaks with Markus Lloyd and Antwuan Malone

Honest Talk About Racial Injustice: Amanda Giordano speaks with Markus Lloyd and Antwuan Malone


About this Episode:

Guest Host Amanda Giordano speaks with Markus Lloyd and Antwuan Malone on their personal experience of racism as black men, how systemic racism shapes the way black children think about themselves, and how many white Americans manipulate history to avoid the reality of systemic racism in our past and present.


About Markus, Antwuan, & Amanda:

Markus Lloyd serves as the executive director of a Biblical racial reconciliation ministry called Threaded  and as the Director of External Focus for Woodcreek Church in Richardson, Texas. In the local community, Markus is known as a community catalyst for Church unity and reconciliation. In his spare time, he is a speaker, writer, singer, actor and director. Markus can be found in commercials, on stages, and currently is the national emcee for Southwest Airlines. You can hear his voice in popular commercials, video games, and anime cartoons like Dragon-ball Super, Borderlands 2, The Walking Dead, and Smite. Markus is a graduate of Texas Christian University and is currently working on a Master’s in Intercultural Studies from Fuller Theological Seminary. He lives in McKinney, Texas with his amazing wife, Lisa, and two beautiful boys, Markus Jr. (Deuce) and Solomon.

Antwuan Malone is the founder and Executive Director of ELEVATE.YA and the Young Adult Pastor of UN1ON.YA. Antwuan enjoys teaching and preaching God’s word and developing young adult leaders. He also co-hosts “Colored Commentary” (a podcast discussing Christianity, culture, and race) and serves on the leadership team of Threaded (a Christian racial reconciliation organization). He enjoys writing and communicating God’s Word to church audiences across the country as a teaching pastor and thought leader.

Amanda Giordano is an assistant professor in the counseling program at the University of Georgia. Her two areas of specialization are multiculturalism and addictions counseling (behavioral and chemical). Giordano is a board member of the Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling, an associate editor of Counseling and Values, and an editorial review board member for the Journal of Addictions and Offender Counseling. She frequently conducts diversity workshops in faith-based and community settings to raise awareness related to systemic privilege and oppression.

Links and References

Links & Resources:

Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America

The Cosmopolitan Canopy: Race and Civility in Everyday Life

White Awake: An Honest Look at What It Means to Be White


APA Citation for this Episode:

Giordano, A. (Producer). (2020, June 9). EP174: Honest Talk About Racial Injustice: Amanda Giordano speaks with Markus Lloyd and Antwuan Malone [Audio Podcast]. The Thoughtful Counselor. Retrieved from


Thanks to the Following:

Photo by Adrien Converse on Unsplash

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