Great Sex – Mapping Sexual Desire with Amelie Zurn

Great Sex – Mapping Sexual Desire with Amelie Zurn
In This Post

In Episode 3 of the Sex Series, Dr. Megan Speciale interviews sex educator and licensed clinical social worker Amelie Zurn-Galinsky on the use of desire mapping as a reflective process of sexual self-discovery for counselors, clients, and everyone in between. In the conversation, we discuss common barriers to desire and sexual satisfaction, tools for supporting clients delve into the sexual unknown, and the importance of taking care of the self-as-counselor in our own pursuits toward sexual wellness and clinical effectiveness. Tune in for helpful tips to use with clients, partners, and yourself!



Amelie Zurn is a licensed clinical social worker with 20 years of experience providing psychotherapy & workshops to clients and communities in the Washington Metro Area. Client empowerment and wellness oriented, she serves individuals, couples, families and groups via short term and long term psychodynamic counseling. She assists people to heal from addiction, PTSD, depression, and anxiety, and find paths to wellness, sexuality, transitions, parenting, gender affirmation and positive relationships in their daily lives.

For the past 7 years, she has been part of a “Mapping Your Desire” team, traveling worldwide so that people can explore & embody their desires, sex lives, and relationships.

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The APA citation for this episode:

Speciale, M. (Producer). (2017, August 16). Great Sex: Mapping Sexual Desire with Amelie Zurn [Audio Podcast]. The Thoughtful Counselor. Retrieved from

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