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Faith and Mental Health – Integrating Faith and Practice with Robert Vore and Holly Oxhandler

Faith and Mental Health – Integrating Faith and Practice with Robert Vore and Holly Oxhandler


About this Episode:

Mike speaks with Robert Vore and Holly Oxhandler on their work at the Christianity & Mental Health podcast. They discuss the creation of CXMH, the intersections of faith and wellness, and the pearls and perils of navigating the intersection between Christian faith and careers in the helping professions.


About Robert and Holly:

Robert Vore is an Atlanta-area therapist with a particular focus in adolescents & young adults. He is also a certified QPR Suicide Prevention Instructor for groups of any size and offers trainings & consultations to churches, ministries, & other groups on topics such as the intersection of faith & mental health, youth development, college student mental health and maintaining your mental health while working in ministry.

Robert is also an advocate online for better mental health engagement in faith communities, hosting a podcast on Christianity & mental health called CXMH and with writing featured on Relevant, The Mighty, Thought Catalog, Patheos, and more.

He lives in Atlanta with his wife, their new son, and our dog.

Dr. Holly Oxhandler is the Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Development and an Associate Professor at Baylor University’s Diana R. Garland School of Social Work. Holly studies religion/spirituality, health and mental health, and is especially interested in whether and how mental and behavioral health therapists discuss their client’s religious/spiritual beliefs in treatment. She developed and validated the Religious/Spiritually Integrated Practice Assessment Scale in addition to other instruments to measure the integration of clients’ religion/spirituality in mental health treatment, has written for numerous academic journals, and her research has been featured in the Washington Post, Consumer Affairs, Religion News Service, Business Standard, Baptist News Global, and more. She also co-hosts the weekly podcast, CXMH: Christianity & Mental Health.

Holly lives in Waco, TX with her husband, Cory, and the couple has two children, Callie and Oliver. She loves to read, paint, meditate, learn about others’ stories over a cup of coffee, and most of all, spend time with her loved ones.


APA Citation for this Episode:

Shook, M. (Producer). (2020, November 18). EP192: EP193: Faith and Mental Health – Integrating Faith and Practice with Robert Vore and Holly Oxhandler [Audio Podcast]. The Thoughtful Counselor. Retrieved from


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Photo by Polina Kuzovkova on Unsplash

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