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Entrepreneurship in Diverse Communities – Considerations for Socially Responsible Practice Building with Samara Stone

Entrepreneurship in Diverse Communities – Considerations for Socially Responsible Practice Building with Samara Stone


About this Episode:

A conversation with Samara Stone on challenges to practice building in diverse communities, demystifying services, and making a difference while trying to make a living.


About Samara:

Samara Stone is a sunny California native with a bright infectious smile. Her natural ability to connect with people and her strong entrepreneurial spirit have led to a unique 20 plus year career in Social Work. Since 2005, she has served as the Founding CEO of The Stone Foundation, a behavioral health firm in Maryland and is the force behind Perfected Practice and Be Brand Confident, an international branding and business strategy program for mental health entrepreneurs. Known for her dynamic presentation style and wealth of knowledge, she naturally inspires others to join her in being Unstoppable.

Join Samara’s private Facebook, The Entrepreneurs Tribe, where we mental health entrepreneurs gather to learn about branding, marketing and developing the emotional resilience you need for the entrepreneurial journey!

You can email Samara at

Links and References

Links and References:


The APA Citation for this Episode:

Shook, M. (Producer). (2018, October 17). EP102: Entrepreneurship in Diverse Communities – Considerations for Socially Responsible Practice Building with Samara Stone [Audio Podcast]. The Thoughtful Counselor. Retrieved from


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QA Prep

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

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