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Eco-Therapy – The Healing Potential of Nature in Counseling with Megan Delaney

Eco-Therapy – The Healing Potential of Nature in Counseling with Megan Delaney
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A conversation with Dr. Megan Delaney – Assistant Professor in the Department of Professional Counseling at Monmouth University (MU) in Long Branch, New Jersey – on the art and science of using nature in counseling.



Dr. Megan Delaney has a PhD in Counselor Education from Montclair State University (MSU) and is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Professional Counseling at Monmouth University (MU) in Long Branch, New Jersey.  Her research explores the influence of natural world on our mental health and the use of Ecotherapy in clinical practice and the counselor education classroom.  Trained in outdoor leadership through the National Outdoor Leadership School, Dr. Delaney spent several years as a wilderness instructor for organizations including the National Wildlife Federation and Outward Bound. Today she infuses Ecotherapy in her private practice with clients. Dr. Delaney is currently writing her book “Nature is Nurture: Counseling and the Natural World” anticipated in 2019 through Oxford University Press. Megan can be reached at


The APA citation for this episode:

Shook, M. (Producer). (2017, July 19). Eco-Therapy: The Healing Potential of Nature in Counseling with Megan Delaney [Audio Podcast]. The Thoughtful Counselor. Retrieved from

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