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Culture, Diversity, and Spirituality in Counseling – A Conversation with Amanda Giordano and Elizabeth Prosek

Culture, Diversity, and Spirituality in Counseling – A Conversation with Amanda Giordano and Elizabeth Prosek
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A conversation with Amanda Giordano and Elizabeth Posek on how counselors can apply the Multicultural and Social Justice Competencies to address religious and spiritual diversity with our clients, as well as address our own internal biases that inhibit our ability to take our client’s religious and spiritual lives seriously.

The Multicultural and Social Justice Counseling Competencies



Amanda L. Giordano, received her PhD in Counseling and Counselor Education from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Her clinical experience includes work with chemically dependent clients, collegiate populations, and adults with mental health issues. Giordano’s research interests include substance abuse counseling, spirituality issues in counseling, and counseling supervision. She has a deep appreciation for this profession and feels honored to be working in the dynamic and esteemed counseling program at UNT.

Amanda’s faculty page at UNT

Email Amanda at


Elizabeth Prosek – The importance of higher education served as a foundation to my upbringing in State College, PA; better known as the home of The Pennsylvania State University. I completed my B.S. in Human Development and Family Studies with a specialization in Child, Youth, and Family Services. While at Penn State, I assisted with a Federally-funded research project and was inspired by how research could improve the well-being of individuals in the community. I decided to move south to the beach to complete my master’s degree in Community Counseling at Old Dominion University (ODU) in Norfolk, VA. I continued my education at ODU earning my PhD in Counselor Education and Supervision. As a counselor, I served individuals with intellectual disabilities, serious mental health disorders, as well as middle schoolers at in-school mental health program. At the University of North Texas (UNT), I enjoy teaching courses in the clinical mental health counseling curriculum, including Diagnosis & Treatment Planning and Ethical, Legal, & Professional Issues in Counseling. Along with Dr. Amanda Giordano, I co-facilitate the Addictions in Counseling Research Team (ACRT), which provides empirical research experience to both master’s and counseling students.

Elizabeth’s faculty profile at UNT

Email Elizabeth at



The APA citation for this episode:

Shook, M. (Producer). (2017, September 5). Culture, Diversity, and Spirituality in Counseling: A Conversation with Amanda Giordano and Elizabeth Prosek [Audio Podcast]. The Thoughtful Counselor. Retrieved from

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