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Counseling and Religious Coping – The Role of the Church in African American Communities with Janeé Avent Harris

Counseling and Religious Coping – The Role of the Church in African American Communities with Janeé Avent Harris


About this Episode:

Mike speaks with Dr. Janeé Avent Harris about her recent work on religious coping in African American churches. They reflect on the nuances of “positive” and “negative” religious coping, navigating theological questions in the counseling context, and collaborating with churches.


About Janeé:

Dr. Janeé Avent Harris received her Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and Doctorate of Philosophy in Counseling and Counselor Education from The University of North Carolina at Greensboro.  She is a National Certified Counselor, Approved Clinical Supervisor, and Licensed Professional Counselor-Associate with clinical experience in a variety of settings including a college counseling center, level 1 trauma center, and a child/adolescent inpatient behavioral health center. Currently, she is an Assistant Professor in the Counselor Education program at East Carolina University. She is an active researcher, publishing and presenting on subject matters including diversity and cultural considerations, integrating spirituality and religion in counseling, examining the role of religion/spirituality in African American mental health help-seeking behaviors, counselor training and clinical supervision, and multicultural considerations in counselor education/academia. Her work is motivated by her passion to see people from all backgrounds and life experiences have access to quality and culturally responsive mental health services.

Email Janeé at

Links and References

Links & Resources:

Janeé’s article in The Professional Counselor – “God Is a Keeper”: A Phenomenological Investigation of Christian African American Women’s Experiences With Religious Coping


APA Citation for this Episode:

Shook, M. (Producer). (2020, March 3). EP160: Counseling and Religious Coping – The Role of the Church in African American Communities with Janeé Avent Harris [Audio Podcast]. The Thoughtful Counselor. Retrieved from

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