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Conceptualizing the Mental Health Needs of Gifted & High-Ability Children and Teens – A Conversation with Emily Kircher-Morris

Conceptualizing the Mental Health Needs of Gifted & High-Ability Children and Teens – A Conversation with Emily Kircher-Morris
In This Post

A converation with Emily Kircher-Morris – LPC and owner of Unlimited Potential Counseling & Education Center – on addressing the specific needs of gifted, high-ability, and twice-exceptional children and teens.



Emily is a licensed professional counselor specializing in providing therapy and cognitive assessment to high-ability, identified gifted, and multi-exceptional learners. She is the owner of Unlimited Potential Counseling and Education Center in O’Fallon, MO. Prior to entering private practice, Emily worked in several area school districts as both a facilitator of gifted programming and a school counselor at the elementary and middle school levels. Emily has earned an M.A. in Education with Certification in Gifted (Lindenwood University, 2003) and an M.Ed. in Counseling and Family Therapy (University of Missouri-St. Louis, 2010). In addition to providing counseling services to high-ability learners, Emily provides professional development and training to teachers, counselors, and mental health professionals on meeting the needs of gifted and multi-exceptional learners. She is also the founder and president of the Gifted Support Network, a nonprofit in the St. Louis area dedicated to providing information, connection, and enrichment to high-ability learners and their families.

Emily’s website: Unlimited Potential Counseling & Education Center


The APA citation for this episode:

Shook, M. (Producer). (2017, August 10). Conceptualizing the Mental Health Needs of Gifted & High-Ability Children and Teens: A Conversation with Emily Kircher-Morris [Audio Podcast]. The Thoughtful Counselor. Retrieved from

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