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College Counseling: Creating Community for Holistic Student Wellness

Dr. Amanda Waters speaks with us about the power of responsive vs reactive intentionality when creating community. She shares with us the importance of doing our own cultural identity work in order for us to create our own firm centers while retaining our soft edges. She gives examples of how lifelong learning will help us address mental health disparities within college campuses and community work that focuses on supporting others.

College Counseling: Creating Community for Holistic Student Wellness


Dr. Amanda Waters speaks with us about the power of responsive vs reactive intentionality when creating community. She shares with us the importance of doing our own cultural identity work in order for us to create our own firm centers while retaining our soft edges. She gives examples of how lifelong learning will help us address mental health disparities within college campuses and community work that focuses on supporting others.


Dr. Amanda Waters is a clinical psychologist and has worked in college mental health for 12 years in a variety of roles. She has personal and professional interests in working alongside people of various backgrounds, developing cultural humility, and advocating for justice and equity. She is dedicated to the wellbeing of communities and individuals through equitable practices. Dr. Waters currently serves as the Associate Director, Counseling at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Previously, she was a staff psychologist and the Multicultural Specialist at the University of Connecticut, later also directing the mental health outreach efforts on campus. In 2017, Dr. Waters founded the Association for Counseling Center Diversity Coordinators. In addition, Dr. Waters currently serves as the Membership Co-Chair for the Asian American Psychological Association (AAPA), the Early- and Mid-Career Psychologist Committee Chair for the American Psychological Association's Division 35, Section 5 (Psychology of Asian Pacific American Women), and is a member of the Education and Training Council of AAPA. She loves being in, on, or near the water to de-stress and re-center.





Daniel, D. (Producer). (2022, March 16). College Counseling: Creating Community for Holistic Student Wellness [Audio Podcast]. The Thoughtful Counselor. Retrieved from

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