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A License to Fail – How Personal and Professional Failure Make You a Better Counselor with Alyson Carr

A License to Fail – How Personal and Professional Failure Make You a Better Counselor with Alyson Carr
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A conversation with Dr. Alyson Carr on how failing the NCMHCE (National Clinical Mental Health Counseling Examination) provided a catalyst for personal and professional growth as well as how counselors can transform failure into an opportunity to refine and enrich our practice.

Alyson’s email:

Alyson’s website:

Alyson’s article at Counseling Today: Why Failing the NCMHCE Felt So Good


The APA citation for this episode:

Shook, M. (Producer). (2017, February 15). A License to Fail: How Personal and Professional Failure Make You a Better Counselor with Alyson Carr [Audio Podcast]. The Thoughtful Counselor. Retrieved from

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