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Robert A. Schug, Ph.D.
Dr. Robert Schug is a neurocriminologist and clinical psychologist specializing in the biology and psychology of the criminal mind. Professor, forensic evaluator, and a true “criminal mind scientist,” his research focuses on understanding the relationship between extreme forms of psychopathology and antisocial, criminal, and violent behavior from a biopsychosocial perspective—with the application of advanced neuroscience techniques from areas such as neuropsychology, psychophysiology, and brain imaging. He received his original Ph.D. in Psychology (Clinical Neurosciences), along with a doctoral respecialization in Clinical Psychology and extensive clinical training as a Forensic Psychologist working with jail inmates, outpatient sex offenders on parole/Federal probation, as well as State hospital forensic psychiatric inpatients who have been found Incompetent to Stand Trial or Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity. A seasoned writer, Dr. Schug has published a leading textbook on mental illness and crime, along with numerous empirical articles related to psychopathy, schizophrenia, and homicide offenders in prominent psychiatric, psychological, personality assessment, criminal justice, and neuroscience journals. He has also authored and co-authored edited book chapters for several successful texts in forensic psychology, criminology, and the neurosciences. Additionally, he has established a one-of-a-kind university research study involving interviews and neurocognitive assessment of incarcerated serial killers, through which he has pioneered innovative biopsychosocial developmental timeline and sequencing approaches to the study of multiple homicide offenders, as well as a multilevel approach to the assessment of personalities associated with extreme and repetitive violence. Dr. Schug has extensive media experience and is often sought out by media outlets to provide expert commentary and insight in news stories involving cases of extreme violence. He has appeared on numerous episodes of true-crime television programs for major cable networks, and in interviews and documentary films which have aired worldwide. Dr. Schug is a licensed Clinical Psychologist and is on the Los Angeles Superior Court Approved Panel of Psychiatrists and Psychologists. He maintains a private practice that focuses on forensic assessment, and often conducts court-appointed evaluations in criminal cases within and outside of the State of California, along with providing expert witness testimony.