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Aileen Kucsera, PsyD, PA-C

Aileen Kucsera, PsyD, PA-C, is a graduate of the PGSP-Stanford Psy.D. Consortium and is currently completing her postdoctoral residency at the San Francisco VA Health Care System, specializing in Substance Use, PTSD, and Co-occurring Disorders. Her research focuses on the knowledge and attitudes of mental healthcare providers towards therapeutic psychedelic use. Aileen is passionate about emerging psychedelic-assisted therapies, specifically the potential to impact the ethical implementation of these treatments into clinical and research settings and reduce stigma associated with substance use. She has presented at several conferences and has been actively involved in teaching and professional leadership throughout her training. Aileen is also a physician assistant and has continued this work part-time as she pursued her doctoral degree.

Aileen Kucsera, PsyD, PA-C