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Veteran Identity and Mental Health: Post-Military Life - Part 4

Presented By Kristen J. Vescera, PhD, MPH, MA
Kristen J. Vescera, PhD, MPH, MA

2 Hours | 2 CEs

This on-demand professional training program on Veteran Identity and Mental Health: Post-Military Life - Part 4 is presented by Kristen J. Vescera, PhD, MPH, MA.

“I didn’t serve. I can’t understand what my Veteran clients went through.” The Veteran Identity and Mental Heath training series follows a Veteran through three transition points.

The previous programs in this series cover Initiation into the Military and Military Service and Military Service and Trauma. While it is not a requirement, it is strongly recommended to take these programs in the series first.

This program takes the audience through the process of considerations as Service Members transition to civilian life. Each transition point impacts the Veteran’s identity beyond their service. This includes expectations at each transitional stage of service that, if fulfilled or not, may impact one’s sense of self as a Veteran upon discharge.

Veteran culture is explored through the lens of the military experience and asks the learner to think about the Service Member through experiential exercises in order to get “comfortable with the uncomfortable.” Broad miliary-culture-related definitions and terms are discussed in the context of discharge from service. Transition challenges after service are explored through the context of development and identity formation. The pros and cons of various PTSD-related treatments are highlighted.

This program is interactive and hosts a discussion of practical takeaways from the series to provide the audience with the tools needed to build strong relationships with Veterans in their communities. This unique learning experience offers the opportunity for learners to explore their own attitudes and beliefs about the Veterans they work with.

This program is intended for professionals who work (or live) with Veterans at any stage of their career and can benefit from the unique perspectives available in this learning experience.

Program Outline<

  • Introduction
  • Imaginal Exercise- lead the audience through a scenario of transitioning from the military
  • Provide context of Veteran identity and defining difference between military and Veteran culture
  • Discuss discharge elements from service
  • Describe experiences of discharge (with video support)
  • Discuss transition challenges at work and at home
  • Discuss the experience of VA care and applying for disability
  • Discuss the effects of trauma and PTSD on daily functioning and relationships
  • Discuss the pros and cons of various PTSD-related treatments
  • Discuss the context of Veteran identity at this transition stage
  • Discuss practical takeaways and resources (with video support)

Personal experience, case studies, research, and credible online resources are shared throughout the discussion

Intended Audience

This on-demand professional training program is intended for mental health and other allied professionals

Experience Level

This on-demand professional training program is appropriate for beginner, intermediate, and advanced level clinicians.

CE / CPD Credit

APA, ASWB, CPA, NBCC Click here for state and other regional board approvals.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this program you will be able to:

Demonstrate an understanding of Veteran identity within the context of military culture

Describe several components of discharge and transition to Veteran status

Describe awareness of PTSD-related effects on the Veteran experience, including combat trauma and military sexual trauma

Describe various treatment approaches and interventions and how to integrate them effectively when working with veterans

Demonstrate knowledge of multiple transition challenges during a Service Member’s time in service

Demonstrate confidence in applying these skills


Presented By

Kristen J. Vescera, PhD, MPH, MA

Dr. Kristen Vescera is a combat Veteran having served overseas in Afghanistan in 2012-2013. She spent ten years enlisted in the United States Army Reserve as a Psychological Operations Staff Sergeant and Instructor. She received her PhD in clinical psychology at Palo Alto University in 2021 where sh...


1. Program Introduction

2. Poll 1

3. Military and Veteran Culture

4. Navigating Military Discharge and VA Care

5. Transition Challenges and Veteran Identity

6. Understanding Trauma

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