20 hours | 20 CEs
This on-demand professional training program on Juvenile Assessment Issues and Evaluation of Juvenile Waiver to Adult Court is presented by Randy T. Salekin, PhD. This badge-earning program can be shared digitally on platforms like LinkedIn or your resume and counts towards a certificate. Enroll in this program to earn credit towards Juvenile Forensic Assessment Certificate and share your new digital credentials with prospective employers and colleagues.
The program is intended to comprehensively cover important topics and factors related to the juvenile justice system and assessment of youthful offenders while embedding developmental psychopathology principles in the assessment process.
This program covers six main topic areas with respect to this type of assessment. First, the program briefly overviews the juvenile justice system and the role of psychologists in the system. Second, the program examines ways in which to assess deception in children and adolescents. Third, the program helps clinicians and researchers understand personality functioning in youth and discusses how the Big 5-factor model of general personality applies to youthful offender evaluations. Fourth, the program covers the assessment of risk for dangerousness, maturity, and treatment amenability and readiness, integrating the topics of the veracity of reporting and personality.
In addition, developmental maturity is embedded in the discussion of all topic areas, given its importance in the assessment and treatment of juvenile offenders. Fifth, the program discusses psychological measures that can be used in disposition and transfer measures. Finally, this program discusses and provides practical guidelines for how psychological evaluations can be constructed and framed within a developmental perspective and how such information can be communicated to relevant court personnel or treatment providers via psychological reports and/or testimony.

Intended Audience
This on-demand professional training program is intended for mental health and other allied professionals

Experience Level
This on-demand professional training program is appropriate for beginner, intermediate, and advanced level clinicians.

CE / CPD Credit
APA, ASWB, CPA, NBCC Click here for state and other regional board approvals.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this program you will be able to:
Describe personality and pathology
Describe how traits and pathology relate to understanding the young person and writing the psychological report
Describe a general overview of the juvenile justice system
Describe an introduction to assessing juvenile offenders for disposition and transfer
Describe risk, developmental maturity, and treatment amenability using and scoring the RSTI
Describe the process of data collection and consolidating psychological information
Describe deception and distortion in the reporting of adolescent offenders
Describe best practices in report writing and testimony
Describe prenatal risks
Describe the causes of conduct problems and callousness

1. Introduction
2. Laws
3. Characteristics, Climate, & Transfer
4. Juvenile Evaluation
5. Personality/Pathology
6. Tests and Guides
7. RST-I
8. Case Examples
9. Case 1
10. Case 2
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Transforming mental health professionals into experts
Expert Instructors
Professional training developed and delivered by the field's leading experts
CE Credit
Earn CE credit for meaningful professional training that will elevate your practice
Convenience & Flexibility
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