20 hours | 20 CEs
This on-demand professional training program on Forensic Psychological Assessment in Custody Litigation: Conceptual Issues, Data Integration, and Advanced Topics is presented by David A. Martindale, PhD, ABPP and James R. Flens, PsyD, ABPP.This badge-earning program can be shared digitally on platforms like LinkedIn or your resume and counts towards a certificate. Enroll in this program to earn credit towards Child Custody Evaluation Certificate and share your new digital credentials with prospective employers and colleagues.
This training program presents instruction on interviewing methods designed to yield data most relevant to the issues before the court and the processes to be employed in the integration of those data with data obtained through the administration of formal assessment instruments. Basic concepts of psychological assessment are discussed, with emphasis on test selection criteria, reliability, validity (in its various forms), and the manner in which testing conditions affect the reliability and validity of test data. Suggestions are offered regarding ways to effectively explain assessment findings in reports.
Presenters discuss data integration – the process of comparing and contrasting information derived from different data sources. Emphasis is placed on providing effective explanations, in reports and testimony, of the manner in which test data were used in the development of recommendations. Criteria to be employed in selecting formal assessment instruments are presented
The presenters discuss configural analysis, hypothesis testing means by which to take situational variables into consideration, response style issues, the use of computer-based test interpretations (CBTIs), and practitioner interpretation.

Intended Audience
This on-demand professional training program is intended for mental health and other allied professionals

Experience Level
This on-demand professional training program is appropriate for beginner, intermediate, and advanced level clinicians.

CE / CPD Credit
APA, ASWB, CPA, NBCC Click here for state and other regional board approvals.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this program you will be able to:
Describe the role of the standard error of measurement in the interpretation of test data
Describe the ways in which factors such as time of day of test administration can contribute to random error
Describe the benefits of reviewing test responses with test-takers
Describe the significant shortcomings of several often-used tests
Describe the distinction between the direct assessment of parenting and the assessment through the use of structured assessment measure of variables related to parenting skills
Describe the relevant factors to be considered in the selection of psychological testing
Describe the difference between normative data and context-specific base-rate data
Describe the ways in which measures of response style can be most effectively used in the interpretation of custody litigants’ test data
Describe the manner in which psychological test data are integrated with data obtained through other sources in custody evaluations
Describe methods for effectively explaining test data and interpretations in reports and testimony

1. Introduction
2. Basic Principles - Part 1
3. Basic Principles - Part 2
4. Interviewing Children
5. Collateral Sources
6. Testing Basics
7. Concept Issues, Data Int, and Advanced Topics
8. Challenges - Why Testing
9. Ethical Issues
10. Response Style
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