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The Thrill of Being Alive – From Anxiety to Liberation with Fred Hanna and Alfredo Palacios

The Thrill of Being Alive – From Anxiety to Liberation with Fred Hanna and Alfredo Palacios


About this Episode:

In this week’s collaboration with The Theory of Change Podcast, Alfredo Palacios and Dr. Fred Hanna discusses existential anxiety and its relevance to counselor. As a follow up to EP98 (Existentialism in Counseling) Alredo and Dr. Hannah take a deeper dive into existential philosophy and ways that one can overcome anxiety and experience the thrill of being alive. They discuss techniques and resources counselors can use to learn more about these ideas and incorporate them into their practice.


About Fred:

Fred J. Hanna, Ph.D., is a Professor and Director of the PhD Program in Counselor Education at Adler University, in Chicago. He is also a Senior Faculty Associate at Johns Hopkins University where he has taught graduate counseling courses for 22 years, including 11 years full time. Fred has authored or co-authored over 60 peer reviewed and professional publications. An award-winning teacher, he has delivered over 480 presentations, trainings, and seminars, across America. He has also served as a consultant and trainer to the medical, mental health, corrections, business, and education communities, including such places as the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Department of Psychiatry, the Fort Peck Sioux Reservation in Montana, the Department of Psychiatry at Yale University, and a variety of school systems, prisons, and criminal justice settings. His research interests have focused on developing the Precursors Model of Change which has received international attention, along with developing models for multicultural and diversity counseling. He has developed and published many evidence-based, innovative psychotherapy techniques and strategies designed for application in the areas of client motivation, resistance, addictions, diversity and multiculturalism, oppression, trauma, spirituality, criminality, defiant adolescents, personal development, and difficult personalities. He is also an accomplished world traveler, having explored many remote areas in Asia. Fred is the author of the book, Therapy with Difficult Clients: Using the Precursors Model to Awaken Change. He and his Precursors Model were also the focus of a DVD, Treatment with Defiant, Aggressive Adolescents. The book and the DVD are both published by the American Psychological Association. Fred is currently working on a book that outlines and describes a new model of psychotherapy that includes many innovative new techniques, including variations on the themes of existentialism, mindfulness, Buddhism, and Yoga psychology.

Links and References

Links and References:

Wilkinson, B. D., & Hanna, F. J. (2018). Using the precursors model of change to facilitate engagement practices in family counseling. The Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for and Families, 26, 306-314.

Bonino, J. L., & Hanna, F. J. (2018). Who owns psychopathology? The DSM, its flaws, its future, and the professional counselor. Journal of Humanistic Counseling, 57, 118-137.

Hanna, F. J., Wilkinson, B. D., & Givens, J. (2017). Recovering the original phenomenological research method: An exploration of Husserl, Yoga, Buddhism, and new frontiers in humanistic counseling. Journal of Humanistic Counseling, 56, 144-162.

Wilkinson, B. D., & Hanna, F. J. (2016). New horizons in counselor pedagogy: The intersection of constructivist concepts and phenomenological awareness. The Journal of Humanistic Counseling, 55, 2-19.


The APA Citation for this Episode:

Palacios, A. (Producer). (2019, February 13). EP115: The Thrill of Being Alive – From Anxiety to Liberation with Fred Hanna and Alfredo Palacios [Audio Podcast]. The Thoughtful Counselor. Retrieved from


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Photo by Cristofer Jeschke on Unsplash

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