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Technological Play in Counseling: Using Mario Brothers, Minecraft, and Zelda for Therapeutic Ends with Kevin Hull

Technological Play in Counseling: Using Mario Brothers, Minecraft, and Zelda for Therapeutic Ends with Kevin Hull


About this Episode:

Mike speaks with Kevin Hull on the use of games in counseling. They discuss the origin of Kevin’s interesting games and play, common objections and concerns about the use of technology in counseling from parents and counselors, and specific examples of integrating games and play in counseling from Kevin’s work.


About Kevin:

Dr. Kevin Hull owns and operates Hull and Associates, P.A. a private practice in Lakeland, Florida. Dr. Hull is a licensed counselor who has worked with children and adolescents and their families on the Autism spectrum since 2001. He conducts weekly individual and group therapy sessions with children, adolescents, young adults, and families. Dr. Hull has been a professor for 16 years and is currently a CORE assistant faculty with Liberty University. Dr. Hull has published Play Therapy and Asperger’s Syndrome: Helping Children and Adolescents Grow, Connect, and Heal through the Art of Play (2011, Jason Aronson); Bridge Building: Creating Connection and Relationship between Parents and Children and Adolescents on the Autism Spectrum (2012, Liberty Press); Group Therapy Techniques with Children, Adolescents, and Adults on the Autism Spectrum (2014, Jason Aronson); and Where There is Despair, Hope (2015, Liberty Mountain Publishing). He has also published several chapters for textbooks. Dr. Hull specializes in using electronic devices in play therapy and his dissertation work examined the use of video/computer games as a play therapy tool with children with emotional difficulties. Dr. Hull enjoys swimming, golf, long walks, biking, and spending time with his wife, Wendy and their four children.

Visit Kevin’s website at

Links and References



APA Citation for this Episode:

Shook, M. (Producer). (2019, August 26). EP139: Technological Play in Counseling: Using Mario Brothers, Minecraft, and Zelda for Therapeutic  Ends with Kevin Hull [Audio Podcast]. The Thoughtful Counselor. Retrieved from


Thanks to the Following:

Photo by Caspar Camille Rubin on Unsplash

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