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Social Class Bias – How Class Influences Our Practice and Profession with Jenn Cook

Social Class Bias – How Class Influences Our Practice and Profession with Jenn Cook


About this Episode:

A conversation with Dr. Jenn Cook on what social class is, how social class bias influences the way we practice counseling, and how social class bias influences counselor education and the counseling profession as a whole. 


About Jennifer:

Jennifer CookJennifer M. Cook holds a PhD in counselor education, is a Licensed Professional Counselor, and is assistant professor of Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology at Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI. Dr. Cook is a multiculturally focused counselor, supervisor, researcher, and educator committed to social justice advocacy. She identifies strongly with a client-centered, strength-based approach, and she utilizes interventions from multiple theoretical orientations. Dr. Cook has served clients, particularly underserved populations, in private practice and clinical mental health settings, in both urban and rural environments, and she has supervised school and clinical mental health counselors-in-training. Her research interests focus on general counselor preparation, and counselor multicultural development, with particular emphasis on issues related to social class and socioeconomic status. Dr. Cook uses experiential teaching methods, and currently teaches skill development, clinical mental health counseling, and addiction courses. 


The APA Citation for this Episode:

Shook, M. (Producer). (2019, April 13). EP122: Social Class Bias – How Class Influences Our Practice and Profession with Jenn Cook  [Audio Podcast]. The Thoughtful Counselor. Retrieved from


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Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

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