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Relational-Cultural Theory – Interconnected Over Independent with Katherine Hermann-Turner

Relational-Cultural Theory – Interconnected Over Independent with Katherine Hermann-Turner


About this Episode:

A conversation with Dr. Katherine M. Hermann-Turner on the history and development of relational cultural theory, RCT’s 8 core components, and what RCT looks like in practice.


About Katherine:

Dr. Katherine M. Hermann-Turner is an Assistant Professor in Counselor Education at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. She received her doctoral degree in counselor education and supervision with a specialization in couples and family counseling from the College of William & Mary, her master’s degree in community counseling from Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi, and her bachelor’s degree in economics and management from Rice University. As a faculty member, Katherine has integrated her past experiences as a family counselor, co-director of a school-based counseling program for at-risk adolescents, and research on gifted education into her courses and research agenda. Her current interests include the impact of meal preparation on couples and families, adult development, the unique roles and stressors of women, and Relational Cultural Theory.

Links and References

Links and References:

Special Section on Relational‐Cultural Theory, Journal on Counseling & Development – Volume 94, Issue 4, October 2016:


The APA Citation for this Episode:

Shook, M. (Producer). (2019, April 24). EP124: Relational-Cultural Theory – Interconnected Over Independent with Katherine Hermann-Turner [Audio Podcast]. The Thoughtful Counselor. Retrieved from


Thanks to the Following:

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

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