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Deconstructing Psychological Language – Charting the Origin and Impact of Our Words with Mark Hayward

Deconstructing Psychological Language – Charting the Origin and Impact of Our Words with Mark Hayward


About this Episode:

Mike speaks with Mark Hayward about how the language we use in counseling and psychology is created and offers ideas to critically engage the terminology embedded in our theories and work.


About Mark:

Mark Hayward works as a Family Therapist for Family Matters in Plymouth and has worked within CAMHS for many years. He has applied himself to a number of systemic models before training in narrative therapy. He works with young people and their families and often uses videos of practice to analyse and demonstrate practice skills. Mark has been teaching narrative practice for more than ten years after studying with Michael White and qualifying on the first Dulwich Centre post-graduate International course.Mark is a founding Director of the UK Institute of Narrative Therapy which brought together teachers and therapists in the UK to co-ordinate training in narrative practice.

Links and References

The video this conversation is based on: The Language of Structuralism

The Institute of Narrative Therapy


APA Citation for this Episode:

Shook, M. (Producer). (2019, September 12). EP141: Deconstructing Psychological Language – Charting the Origin and Impact of Our Words with Mark Hayward [Audio Podcast]. The Thoughtful Counselor. Retrieved from


Thanks to the Following:

Photo by Roel van Sabben on Unsplash

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