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Critiquing the DSM – Part 2: (The Lack of) Validity, Reliability, and Clinical Utility with James Hansen

Critiquing the DSM – Part 2: (The Lack of) Validity, Reliability, and Clinical Utility with James Hansen


About this Episode:

In this two-part series, Mike speaks with James Hansen on the early and turbulent development of the DSM, the lack of validity and reliability with DSM criteria and diagnoses, and what all this means for counselors and the counseling profession.


About James:

James Hansen profileJames T. Hansen is a Professor at Oakland University in the Department of Counseling. His primary scholarly interests are philosophical and theoretical issues in counseling and critical examination of contemporary culture. Dr. Hansen has published multiple books and over fifty articles in leading counseling journals. Several of his books have won awards for their contributions to humanistic philosophy in counseling. With regard to this podcast, his recent book, “ Systems and Mental Health Culture: Critical Perspectives on Contemporary Counseling and Psychotherapy,” provides a philosophical, historical, and empirical critique of the influence of the DSM, medical model, and biological psychiatry on the talk therapy professions. Dr. Hansen has over twenty-five years of experience as a practitioner, supervisor, and consultant.

Visit James’ personal website at

Links and References

Links and References:

Meaning Systems and Mental Health Culture” book:

Dr. Hansen’s books (amazon page):

Dr. Hansen’s website:

debate videos:


APA Citation for this Episode:

Shook, M. (Producer). (2019, June 18). EP131: Critiquing the DSM – Part 2: (The Lack of) Validity, Reliability, and Clinical Utility with James Hansen [Audio Podcast]. The Thoughtful Counselor. Retrieved from


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Photo by Thomas Kinto on Unsplash

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