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Counselors in the Courtroom—Surviving and Thriving in Court Testimony

Counselors in the Courtroom—Surviving and Thriving in Court Testimony


About this Episode:

In this episode, Jessica Tyler virtually sits downs with Dr. Margie Taylor: Visiting Assistant Professor, LPC-S (AL), NCC and former court-appointed child advocacy representative. We discuss the role counselors can play in the courtroom, surprising components of Dr. Taylor’s work and the topic of court testimony as a clinician, how court testimony could impact the clinical relationship with a client, strategies on balancing counselor professionalism with self-care, and general recommendations for counselors in the courtroom. 


About Margie:

Dr. Margie Taylor, Ph.D., LPC-S, NCC is the clinical coordinator and visiting assistant professor in Counselor Education at Auburn University. Her research interests include mitigating vicarious trauma in practicing counselors, preventing PTSD in first responders, and preparing counselors for court testimony. 


APA Citation for this Episode:

Tyler, J. (Producer). (2021, March 17). EP200: Counselors in the Courtroom—Surviving and Thriving in Court Testimony [Audio Podcast]. The Thoughtful Counselor. Retrieved from


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