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Counseling and Rural Poverty: Honoring Experiences and Advocating for Change with Loni Crumb and Shanita Brown

Counseling and Rural Poverty: Honoring Experiences and Advocating for Change with Loni Crumb and Shanita Brown


About this Episode:

Mike speaks with Drs. Loni Crumb and Shanita Brown about their recent article on mental health and counseling in rural, impoverished communities.


About Loni and Shanita:

Dr. Loni Crumb is an Assistant Professor in the Counselor Education Program in the Department of Interdisciplinary Professions at East Carolina University and a Licensed Professional Counselor. Dr. Crumb received her Ph.D. in Counseling and Student Personnel Services from the University of Georgia, M.A. in Education and Community Counseling from Clark Atlanta University, and B.A. in Psychology from North Carolina State University. She has authored scholarly publications and professional presentations related to counseling and wellness, student affairs in higher education, and holistic college student development. Her research interests include counseling in rural areas, promoting retention and persistence of underserved students in higher education, college student mental health, social justice and multicultural training, and professional standards of practice in college counseling.

You can visit Loni’s faculty page at:

Dr. Shanita Brown is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Adjunct Professor in the Counselor Education Program at East Carolina University. She received her Ph.D in Counselor Education & Counseling from North Carolina State University. Her research and service activities include intimate partner violence and mental health wellness.

You can visit Shanita’s website at

Links and References

Journal Article:

Innovation and Implementation in Rural Places: School-University-Community Collaboration in Education –


APA Citation for this Episode:

Shook, M. (Producer). (2019, July 23). EP135 – Counseling and Rural Poverty: Honoring Experiences and Advocating for Change with Loni Crumb and Shanita Brown [Audio Podcast]. The Thoughtful Counselor. Retrieved from


Thanks to the Following:

Photo by Vlad Moisuc on Unsplash

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