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A Covenant of Counselors: Part 2 – Community Leaders Reflect Again with Priscilla Wilson

A Covenant of Counselors: Part 2 – Community Leaders Reflect Again with Priscilla Wilson


About this Episode:

Priscilla catches up with Anna Shinn, Cotina Houston- Stroud, Anjuli Thompson and Mindi Wilkins- Amberson on how their unique roles as mental health professionals and administrators within their community have changed since the beginning of the Covid-19 outbreak.


About the Guests:

Cotina Stroud is a Licensed Therapist and owner of a private practice, Serenity Counseling Services as well as Administrator of Bradford Health Services, a substance abuse treatment facility.
Cotina has worked in the social services field for 20 years beginning her career as a social worker at the Department of Human Resources. She obtained both her Bachelor of Social Work and Masters in Community Agency Counseling from Jacksonville State University. She enjoys being heavily involved in the community, especially as it pertains to mental health, at risk youth and families. She is happily married with 5 children, 2 grandchildren and 2 fur babies. She enjoys time with her family, running and working on projects in her backyard.

Mindi​ ​Amberson​ is a Licensed​ ​Professional​ ​Counselor Supervisor and Registered Play Therapist Supervisor. Mindi earned her bachelor’s degree in Social Work from Jacksonville State University. She earned her Master’s Degree and Ed. S. in Community Agency Counseling from Jacksonville State University. She also maintains her school counselor certification, Relaxation Based Pain Management Certification, and National Counselor Certification.  She is currently enrolled in a doctoral program at Baylor University. She owns and directs Orchard Road Counseling and Consulting, where she provides therapy, supervision, and consulting services. Mindi is married to Justin Amberson and they have four children. Self care is always a must for counselors and she enjoys this time by being a bookworm, a google nerd, and finding any way to enjoy nature.

Anna is employed at Highland Health Systems (Anniston, AL). She has been with HHS since 2013. During this time, she have worked in the residential care setting with the developmentally disabled population, spent time as a Bachelor level Counselor in the outpatient partial hospitalization program for adults with mental illnesses, completed a little over two years the community and court liaison officer for the entire HHS catchment area, and is am currently a supervisor for the MI division.

Anjuli Thompson is the owner of HOUSE Counseling in Oxford, Alabama. She has been in private practice since 2016 and focuses clinical work with children (Seven and under), First responders, legal issues, and custody. Anjuli is a mother of two and the wife of a law enforcement officer in Calhoun County. She enjoys spending her weekends completely off and connected with her family.


APA Citation for this Episode:

Wilson, P. (Producer). (2020, October 29). EP191: A Covenant of Counselors: Part 2 – Community Leaders Reflect Again with Priscilla Wilson [Audio Podcast]. The Thoughtful Counselor. Retrieved from


Thanks to the Following:

Photo by Paweł Czerwiński on Unsplash

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