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LIVE: Risk and Intervention for Sexually Exploited and Trafficked Youth

October 13, 2023  |  9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Pacific

Presented By HaeSung Han, Psy.D. | Kirsten Byrnes, Psy.D
HaeSung Han, Psy.D. Kirsten Byrnes, Psy.D

October 13, 2023
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Pacific

3 Hours | 3 CEs

$150 Registration | Live Virtual Training via Zoom

HaeSung Han, Psy.D. and Kirsten Byrnes, Psy.D present a live virtual professional training program on Risk and Intervention for Sexually Exploited and Trafficked Youth.

According to the National Human Trafficking Hotline’s statistics, of the identified 22,326 victims and survivors contacting the service in 2019 alone, 5,359 were minors. Commercial sexual exploitation [CSE] and trafficking of youth are rooted in the objectification of and adultification of youth, sexism, and racism, which are enacted within the various systems in which youth are embedded [e.g. education, child protective services, juvenile justice].

In working with youth who have been sexually exploited or trafficked, it is imperative to understand the influence of both the larger systemic impact, as well as those risk factors that contribute to individual vulnerability. Factors contributing to individual risk include but are not limited to exposure to a high number of ACEs, especially sexual abuse, family instability, homelessness, and substance use. An in-depth understanding of this population and their needs highlights the necessity to provide treatment interventions focused on emotion regulation, attachment, and interpersonal effectiveness rather than more traditional approaches of symptom reduction or TF-CBT.

This training will discuss definitions, relevant statutes, and the prevalence of sexual abuse in the prison pipeline and a review of systemic factors; including Racism, sexism, objectification, and adultification. How they play out in various systems, access to money, and education; including, Individual risk factors, ACE exposure, family instability, attachment, homelessness, and substance abuse will also be discussed. The application of emotion regulation, attachment, and interpersonal effectiveness interventions as well as the limits of symptom reduction/TF-CBT within this population will be discussed. Case studies will be used to bring the discussion to life.

This training program is ideal for professionals familiar with general trauma-based interventions, TF-CBT and DBT; whose specialty and environment as relatively broad. Practitioners doing screenings and triages for intervention, evaluators, therapists, and those in program development would all benefit.

Intended Audience

This live program is intended for mental health and other allied professionals.

Experience Level

This live program is appropriate for beginner, intermediate, and advanced level clinicians.

CE / CPD Credit

APA, ASWB, CPA, NBCC: Click here for state and other regional board approvals.

Presented By

HaeSung Han, Psy.D.

Dr. HaeSung Han is a Licensed Clinical and Forensic Psychologist and a Board Certified, Nationally Registered Art Therapist.
Dr. Han received her master’s and doctoral degree in clinical psychology from George Washington University and also received a master’s degree in art therapy from New Yo...

Presented By

Kirsten Byrnes, Psy.D

Dr. Kirsten Byrnes is a licensed clinical and forensic psychologist. She is a graduate of the Psy.D. Program in Clinical Psychology at Long Island University’s C. W. Post Campus, with a concentration in serious and persistent mental illness. Dr. Byrnes completed her pre-doctoral internship within th...

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this program you will be able to:

Describe the link between childhood sexual abuse, incarceration, and vulnerability to sexual exploitation and sex trafficking for youth

Describe the systemic factors that contribute to and sustain trafficking or commercial sexual exploitation

Describe the other relevant risk factors contributing to vulnerability to trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation in youth

Describe effective therapeutic approaches and interventions for treating youth exposed to exploitation and trafficking, namely, the importance of emotion regulation and interpersonal effectiveness interventions rather than more traditional symptom reduction or purely trauma-based interventions


Live Event Policy

Registration for our live events is covered for one (1) person per purchase. If you would like to purchase for a group, please contact our group training team.

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Cancellation Policy

Cancellation Policy

This is a live program only and will not be made available on-demand. If you are unable to attend live please contact customer service 48 hours before the live event to request a refund.

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Event Conduct

Professional conduct is expected during our live programs. Our goal is to make our events as interactive as possible for all participants. We reserve the right to remove any participants who are disruptive, act unprofessionally, or who we are unable to verify their purchase.

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