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Conducting Work Product Reviews in Child Custody Litigation

Presented By David A. Martindale, PhD, ABPP
David A. Martindale, PhD, ABPP

3.5 Hours | 3.5 CEs

This on-demand professional training program on Conducting Work Product Reviews in Child Custody Litigation is presented by David A. Martindale, PhD, ABPP.

The use by family court judges of mental health professionals appointed to conduct parenting plan evaluations has increased. Litigants who are displeased with the findings, opinions, and recommendations offered by evaluators may challenge the evaluators’ advisory input to the courts appointing them. The attorneys representing these litigants may retain forensic mental health professionals to review the evaluators’ work and, where appropriate, to assist the attorneys. Ordinarily, where the review process yields negative reviews, the reviewing practitioners will offer either to provide litigation support services (such as providing assistance in the development of cross-examination questions) or to testify.

Dr. Martindale, who has been conducting work product reviews for 34 years, describes the review process from pre-retention contacts with attorneys through trial. Emphasis is placed on procedures intended to minimize the objectivity-impairing influence of retention bias; the relevant ethical issues; the various types of litigation support services; and means by which testifying experts can maximize their helpfulness to the court.

Discussion of the ways in which the work of evaluators is reviewed is beneficial to forensic mental health professionals who offer to perform parenting plan evaluations.

This program is intended for forensic mental health professionals involved in (or considering becoming involved in) custody/access litigation. Though only experienced evaluators should consider reviewing the work of others, novice evaluators may benefit by learning what reviewers look for when they assess the work of evaluators. Work environments might include solo practice, group practice, or court employment.

Program Outline

  • Pre-retention procedures intended to reduce retention bias
  • Discussion of cognitive biases likely to impair reviewer objectivity
  • The stages of the work product review process
  • Communication of the reviewers’ input to the retaining attorney
  • The provision by retained work product reviewers of litigation support services
  • Testimony by retained work product reviewers

Intended Audience

This on-demand professional training program is intended for mental health and other allied professionals

Experience Level

This on-demand professional training program is appropriate for beginner, intermediate, and advanced level clinicians.

CE / CPD Credit

APA, ASWB, CPA, NBCC Click here for state and other regional board approvals.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this program you will be able to:

Describe 5 procedures that are likely to reduce the effects of retention bias substantially

Describe 4 cognitive biases that, if not addressed, are likely to impair reviewer objectivity

Describe 5 reviewer-identified evaluator errors that led to the rejection by a NY court of its appointed evaluator’s recommendations

Describe 5 cognitive dynamics that, if not addressed, may contribute to a subjective presentation of the evidence by a retained reviewer offering testimony


Presented By

David A. Martindale, PhD, ABPP

David A. Martindale, Ph.D., ABPP (forensic) limits his practice to consulting with psychologists, attorneys, and state regulatory boards. He regularly lectures on issues pertaining to evaluations of comparative custodial suitability, served on the AFCC Child Custody Consulting Task Force, and was th...


1. Introduction

2. Pre-retention Procedures Intended to Reduce Retention Bias

3. Cognitive Biases Likely to Impair Reviewer Objectivity

4. Stages of the Work Product Review Process

5. Communication of the Reviewer's Input to the Retaining Attorney

6. Provision Litigation Support Services

7. Testimony by Retained Work Product Reviews

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