Mindfulness Activity #154

Mindfulness Activity #154

Loving Kindness Independent Practice Week-Day 3

Good Morning. Today you are invited to begin the Loving Kindness practice you have chosen for the week. yesterday. This week you will repeat the exact same practice each day. You will notice the use of the word practice in all my emails. You engage in a practice–you practice breathing or sitting or noticing. What does in mean in other contexts to practice something? It is the act of applying something you know. Practice goes beyond intellectual understanding or repetition to being fully engaged with an activity. In addition, it implies a certain freedom from high stakes evaluation–think of a practice test in school. It’s an opportunity to try something without evaluation. So this act of practice embodies both full action and an easy attitude.

As you continue to practice the same activities each day this week, try to cultivate the attitude of an athlete who practices well. Dive into the activity with enthusiasm and discipline understanding that how you practice in this moment determines outcomes. At the same time, be free from the pressure of competing (with yourselves and others).

Now, using the practice you have chosen to repeat each day, settle yourself and begin…I have again included all the links for ease of access to your practice

My favorite guided loving kindness:

Groovy music loving kindness:

Chanting loving kindness in English:

Chanting loving kindness in Pali:






Basic Silent Mantra:

May I be Safe
May I be Healthy
May I be Happy
May I live with Ease

May you be Safe
May you be Healthy
May you be Happy
May you live with Ease

Adapted Silent Mantra:

May I learn to look at myself with the eyes of understanding and love.
May I be able to recognize and touch the seeds of joy and happiness in myself.
May I learn to identify and see the sources of anger, craving, and delusion in myself.
May my mind be open like a child’s.
May I be calm and peaceful in the midst of confusion.

May you learn to look at myself with the eyes of understanding and love.
May you be able to recognize and touch the seeds of joy and happiness in myself.
May you learn to identify and see the sources of anger, craving, and delusion in myself.
May your mind be open like a child’s.
May you be calm and peaceful in the midst of confusion.

Take a moment to reflect on your practice. What did you notice?
Try to stay connected to your morning practice throughout the day!

Be well!
