Mindfulness Activity #92

Mindfulness Activity #92
In This Post

States of Mind

Good Morning. Today is cloudy, grey and cool. It is starkly different from yesterday’s bright sunshine and warmth. The difference is striking and offers an opportunity for learning. Zen teaches that all of reality is temporary. It does not mean that nothing lasts, rather that everything evolves and changes moment to moment. This is an especially helpful concept if your current feeling or state is painful or if it feels overwhelming. In keeping with the theme of the week-very brief mindfulness practices-todays practice is very brief. It involves training yourself to see the present moment as only one moment in a series of changing experiences. When we fail to do that, we can get stuck in a state, even when we don’t want to.

When you are ready, settle in, sit tall and breathe. Click this minute timer for a 2 minute mindfulness bell (it will continue every 2 minutes if you wish to extend your practice).



Read the following statement.

Even on a cloudy day, the blue sky is still there.
Mindfulness is noticing the clouds in our mind and being aware that they will pass.

Consider your present state, noticing that it is temporary and that change is constant. Continue to breathe deeply. When the bell chimes, read the statement again.

Even on a cloudy day, the blue sky is still there.
Mindfulness is noticing the clouds in our mind and being aware that they will pass.

Today, make an intention to maintain awareness of the fact that each moment changes. Whenever you feel stuck, take a breath and say to yourself, “this is temporary.”

Have a peaceful day!
