Mindfulness Activity #89

Mindfulness Activity #89
In This Post

Quick Mindfulness

Good Morning! This morning, I have a meeting to work on a project with colleagues from New Zealand and the U.K. So, we are in three time zones and I drew the early straw. So, I was thinking it was a perfect time to reinforce the idea that you can always find a way to practice. My practice today will be super short. It’s tempting to think-why bother? Or “I’ll do it later.” Of course, the goal is to live mindfully—not just to take a few minutes of each day to be mindful. But, the emphasis and discipline of daily mindfulness, especially in the morning helps us to get to living mindfully. Starting the day this way is so important because we can breathe, connect, and set our intentions before the day carries us away without thinking.

Try this three-minute guided meditation. Click the link to begin…



When you are done, notice that even though the practice was only three minutes, you are different than before you began. Make it your intention to breathe throughout the day, staying aware of your thoughts, emotions and body sensations as you move from activity to activity.

For those interested, I found this 3-minute video on how mindfulness works. It’s worth a quick view.



Have a mindful day!


