Mindfulness Activity #19

Mindfulness Activity #19
In This Post

Good Morning,

It is so easy to just “go through the motions” or to begin your day without ever actually waking up and paying attention. We can be foggy, confused, or disconnected. Jon Kabat-Zinn wrote a book about mindfulness called, “Falling Awake.” It is important to notice everything inside and outside us, without pushing it away or getting stuck in things. Every moment you can look at something or hear something is an invitation to wake yourself up to the present moment. Every breath we take provides that opportunity.

So, begin by settling yourself. Now listen to the following guided mindfulness practice and follow along…



Today’s exercise was very brief—just 5 minutes. But the task is notice what it felt like to be connected to the present moment. Any time you feel foggy, or overwhelmed, or overloaded, take a deep breath and connect to the present moment. You’ll find that this brings clarity, stability and a sense of how to proceed.

Wishing you clarity and peace today..

Michele Galietta
