Mindfulness Activity #126

Mindfulness Activity #126

Very Short Mantra Meditation

Good Morning. Hope this finds you all well. Today, I want to tell you a tiny bit about mantras. These are repeated phrases that can be used while practicing. Mantras focus your attention because you are repeating a phrase and it is difficult to think of other things while repeating a phrase. Many traditions use chanting, such as the familiar om in yoga that is meant to capture the essence of the universe in one word. Others repeat Sanskrit phrases that evoke meaning (like Tonglen) or suggest intention. Mantra meditations have been shown to be beneficial for relaxation (as opposed to emotional awareness or emotion regulation). Their benefits are thought to be derived from the time that your brain shuts off from thinking or feeling. They can be thought of as a rest for your brain and body. Other mindfulness practices I’ve introduced are not relaxing—they are work. They train your brain to notice when it’s off-task and redirect back to breath or to whatever task you want to be doing. So today, if you are practicing with me, you get a break. The only task is to listen to this guided mini-mantra meditation and give your mind a break..

Just notice how you feel after the practice. In order to get the benefits of this type of meditation- which include improved cognitive function and fewer negative physical events from stress-research suggests that you practice at least 10-15 minutes a day (or at least several times a week).

Be well!
