Mindfulness Activity #12

Mindfulness Activity #12
In This Post

Good Morning!

Do you ever feel like the day has begun before you were ready for it? You feel unprepared and spend the rest of the day playing catch up. Being in the present moment prepares us for the next moment. It energizes us and connects us to wise mind. This is the place where we experience feelings and the rational parts of our mind at the same time. Connecting to these parts of our mind allows us to make the best decisions and to choose our actions with care and attention.  We are able to balance what we want with obligations and the needs of others. We can use wise mind to prioritize based on our values.

One simple way to connect to the present moment is by stretching with awareness. Please use the following link to do a brief mindful stretch.

Once you are grounded in the present moment through awareness of your body try to stay that way for the entire day. If you get stressed or distracted later on, stretch your shoulders and neck, take a deep breath, and recommit to being in the present moment.


Wishing you a productive day…

Michele Galietta
